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A program in Wood Buffalo dedicated to strengthen community collaboration to enhance the lives of newcomers to our community

What is a local
Immigration Partnership?

A Local Immigration Partnership (LIP) is a community-wide, multi-sectoral collaboration aimed at strengthening a community's capacity to welcome immigrants, better address the needs of newcomers, and improve integration outcomes.

Funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), LIP is focused on developing strategies for strengthening the participation, belonging and inclusion of newcomers through:

  • Stakeholder engagement

  • Strategic planning

  • Coordination of services that support immigrant settlement and integration


How does
it work?

The LIP consists of local stakeholders, working groups focused on a specific aspect of the settlement and immigrant experience, and a Partnership Council. The Partnership Council coordinates the LIP initiatives and the working groups.

Get Involved
 LIP seeks to engage various stakeholders in a locally-driven strategic planning process including employers, school boards, health centres and networks, boards of trade, levels of government, professional associations and community members

There are 3 ways to get involved:


Newcomer Interagency Network

The Newcomer Interagency Network (NIN) is a network of organizations and employers in the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo committed to working together to enhance the lives of newcomers to our community. ​

The NIN was created to:​

  • share expertise​

  • enhance collaboration between agencies​

  • support projects and initiatives to better meet the needs of newcomers to the region.


Immigrant Advisory Table 

The Immigrant Advisory Table (IAT) is made up of immigrants who have lived experience of settlement in the Wood Buffalo region. Members may include but are not limited to: Permanent Residents, Convention Refuges, Government Assisted Refugees, Live-in Care Givers, Temporary Foreign Workers (TFW) on pathways to permanent residency, or Canadian citizens. IAT bridges the lived experience of immigrants with the NIN, providing insight and advice guiding the overall strategic direction of the LIP.


Working Groups

Working Groups are sub-committees of the larger partnership council focused on particular sector of interest or need in the community. Common themes include language, employment, social inclusion, health, settlement, youth, etc.


For more information on how to get involved, contact the LIP Coordinator at


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